Thursday, November 8, 2012


"SPIRITUALITY".......this word means so many different things to different people. For some, it means GOD. For some - religion. Yet for some people, the very word gives them it is to do with SPIRITS (alcohol)!!! But for me, it used to mean....."Oldies Job" not my cup of tea. Really!!!! Life is for fun...what is the point in thinking about Spirituality!!!!

But of late, I have started wondering what Spirituality actually means. Oh no.....I am not That Old!! Nor have I got a complete answer to it. But I keep my search on. From my perspective, spirituality lies in self-growth and so connected with what these days' Corporate Gurus talk about.

Spirituality is definitely not about reading scriptures or having a great knowledge about our history. But it lies in how we interact with people. How loving we are. How we make another person smile. How well we treat another human being.

It does not mean you are not spiritual, if you dont say the day's prayer. It does not mean you are a bad person if you didnt follow your religion. It does not mean you are aspiritual if you have no knowledge about your scriptures & culture. But, when you follow a specific religion, and talk bad about another religion, Oh you are definitely not a spiritual person.

You may be well educated, following a great religious path. But when you cannot treat a person with the respect due to a human being, you fail in spirituality. That is the first lesson I have learnt. Being spiritual is treating others, other religion, with great respect.

Judging people (Paradigms) are the main cause for any day to day crisis and a root cause for Ego. How can you be a spiritual person when you carry on with this??????? And a person who fails to love him/herself?????? How loving can they be towards others??

I have come to understand the word spirituality is living a life filled with Love and smiles. When you spread Love & forget about being religious, forget having pre-judged notions. No one is superior & no one is inferior as well.

Spirituality starts with Love. More loving we are More spiritual we are too!!!

This is only my point of view and definitely not meant to demean any body's idea about spirituality.
I, now, love being called a spiritual person......I hope I attain a high level of spirituality. My search is on.........