I keep hearing people call me Lucky. Many say that I am born lucky with the life being so nice and easy......Well...........Its partly true and partly not fair!
I am very lucky and thankful to GOD for he made me born to the most wonderful parents and brother, who showed me the best way to lead the life. I am lucky to have got the most wonderful husband who supports me in all ways. But apart from that, whatever I am today, good or bad, is only because of what I worked for. Worked very hard, going through a lot. Mentally and physically. There is no luck in that at all.......If I am happy, its not because I am lucky, its only because of all the hardship I have faced with courage and a smile.
When a person is blind and deaf - due to choice, misses out of on all the oppurtunities that passes through his doorstep, blames the fate for it and calls themselves unlucky. Oh for sure they are unlucky, not because they missed the oppurtunities, but because they are so lazy to realise they are lazy and to realise that the oppurtunity did knock on their door and they have missed it. How unlucky!!!!
They go one step forward and blame their past failures for acting in such a way!!! Interesting......So do we need to learn that a person once who failed in life can never get out of the failure?? Everyone goes through failures. Why take a child for example. When a child learns to walk, does he start walking in the very first attempt? Does he never fall down and get hurt? Should he stay put by falling down and never take another step in his life???? What an easy way out!!! And yes we are not to be blamed for that. Its not the mistake we do which was responsible for this failure, but the hand of GOD!!!!!! How easy to remove the blame from us and put it on GOD!! Best way really.......and the most cowardly way out as well.
How many people have failed in life? I would say everyone. Everyone goes through failure. Not just once in life. Many times. Everyones count of failure would definitely exceed the count of sucess in their life. Why, take Mr. Abdul Kalam. His first project was a failure. Had he stopped and blamed the God for failing him, this world would not have had such a great person.
Everyone is born lucky. We are all the same to GOD. But HE is partial in helping only those people who help themselves. HE would definitely not help those who keep thinking GOD will help me, and do nothing about the job in Hand.
As it is said in Bhagawad Geetha, do your duty and leave the results to HIM. Do your duty first and then see if God helps you or not. Do not blame HIM when you dont do your job. God helps all those who help themselves.
When you put in your effort, then you will become the most lucky person in the world. Apart from your birth, you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Do not shift the blame from you to a power who cannot talk!!!! Make your life by working for it!!!!!
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