Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy 2014!!!!!!

God knows who created the phrase “Time flies”. They cannot be more apt! We just saw the beginning of 2013 & now we are already in the last week, saying “Good Bye” to it. Most of us would be going through their goods & bads this year & making up resolutions for the next. So does the Companies. Thinking of companies, I wish mine does a good job of “Thinking” about the future & plans for a good Increment ;)

Festivity in each & everyone of us peaks up during this time, doesn’t it? Be it a Hindu, Muslim, Jain, Buddhist or a Christian. Be it the Lunar calendar we follow or the solar. Do you have a different day to celebrate your New year as per your religion? Oh! Even companies have “Year ends” either on 31st March or some in July! Whatever may it be – every single individual celebrates this day – the first of January, as their day I. This reason in itself is a great one to celebrate this day. A day where each & every soul meets to celebrate!

For me, do you have to ask??? The best time to party! Oh I love it!! The hurry burry of keeping the cake ready. Keeping myself closer to my loved ones. Keeping my phone handy to call my bro, sil & in laws. From 11:30 p.m. of the 31st evening....my excitements starts peaking so high that if it has to be measured with a thermometer, it would surely burst up! Just writing about it fills my heart with such pleasure.

Every single year I begin with a small prayer & a BIG list of resolutions. In fact, 1 of my last year’s resolutions was never to make another resolution. As always, I have never kept up a single resolution. Which means, the resolution of “never to make a resolution” has also been broken :D

Why should I be different this year! After all, New Year’s day is all about resolutions isn’t it? And.....;) it applies only for that day isn’t it! So I have started working on my resolutions. This year, after being a “Professional” for so many years, I thought I should approach it in a “Professional” way. You know, make a list, write it down. Analyse the pros & cons. Check out its feasibility. Find out what will be the hindrances....all the likes!!!! And by the end of it I actually thought the list would be small!! But my ego or luck whatever you call it, never allowed it to be small! Let me give you a small insight into my so called resolutions for this “New year’s Day!”

1.       Laziness – out of my life : - Frankly speaking, It took me just about 2 days to finish this line!!!!!! My good mind says, when I stop being lazy I can get to do sooooooo many things!!! But my lovely mind says......I am myself only when I am lazy..So why should I stop being so??? So the debate goes on.......
           Cook everyday!!!!! – Health is my main reason for this thought.....but just the thought of my husband, poor fellow, ending up eating my dishes...bad isn’t it??? ;)
      Exercise regularly : - Wow!!! Whenever I imagine myself in a body hugging, slim fitting dress....hmmmmmm....Exercise Wins!!! But after 2 days???? Oh!! God!! Let me just give a day’s break...my mind will say & then 1 day moves to another & then.....”Time flies”

So it goes on & on!!!!! But I am not going to tell you more on this....you know why??? Ofcourse, I am lazy to go on writing about it :D (It’s still a week for the Jan 1st & my resolution starts only then!! Mind it!!) So, what do you think? Will I be keeping up any of my resolutions??? Oh for sure God know’s, which one I will keep & which I won’t. so let’s stop worrying about this & go back to our laziness. What say???

Whatever said & done, I am a very optimistic person. I never give up hope. So I will never quit making up my resolutions & hope against hope that one day in the near or distant future, I will keep up atleast 1 of my resolutions..........................for more than just 1 day :D

With this hope, I wish All of you a very bright & happy 2014. Wish to see you HAPPy, LOVEly, WEALTHy, HEALTHy in 2014!!!! Remember! Aunt HOPE is the best relative one can ever have!! She makes even THOSE days a better one!! Live your life with a smile with Aunt Hope!!Adios Amigo!! 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

All Maayaaa!!!!!!!!!

Technology....the only thing that's constant in these days are smart phones, Ipads or Tabs & Laptops. I also feel these app's have taken over TV as even the serials are available in the youtube. My day starts with the alarm which comes out from my mobile. I have also seen many people who don't miss their children, if went missing, but definitely become more aware & lost when they loose their mobiles!!

Having said that, I always had an allergy towards computer languages. Dont get me wrong, I am not talking about that usual Excel, Word, Internet & the other day to day stuff. I am talking about those things behind those applications. Those codes. When I was taking training in those horrid stuff, which all college goer was crazed to do, during my college days, I used to wonder what are these "Virtual" stuff they are talking about?? How can an "address" be, when there are actually no houses??? Now, you understand what I mean????? 

Computer Language = Allergy. Similarly, spirituality = allergy. How can you ask me to believe in something I cannot see? God is also Virtual isnt it? So I somehow equated Computer Language = Spirituality. Interesting n'est pas? That's the reason, I have always tried to maintain a distance with both. These things were always beyond my understanding!! Bouncers really.

But when reality meets virtuality or in my words Technology/Spirituality meets reality....its really an interesting watch. This brings in the concept of "Maaya" the "Illusion" so clearly out, that you can never miss out the fun!! Take these instances....

One of those days scenarios, where people used to dance in a trance, listening to either slokas or bhajans being sung. They call it "Saami vandhuduthu". I used to run away from those people. I used to wonder how is this saami coming only to those people & pass on messages?? Something that I can still never understand.

These days scenarios.......How can we miss these???? These are even more comic than people dancing in Godly trance. I don't think anyone would have missed out seeing a person either shouting out "oh yeah!!" in a silent bus. After hearing a shriek, we suddenly wake from the sleep to realise this person has been in an mp3 player trance!! Or should I say most of us are those people in this trance???

This Maya situation is much more common with husbands. The minute the wife starts talking, they get so interested in the app in their hand. Either angry birds or that stupid chase game. But don't we wives take advantage of these situations? We get an Yes for all the usual No answers at that time ;) Its that simple....Maayaa Maaya!!!

One day I was eating breakfast & a colleague entered the office. I called his name & wished him "Good morning" Suddenly he says " Sure sure, I will join you shortly" I am flabbergasted!! Why is he joining me? I hardly have enough breakfast for me. Later, I was to find out, this colleague doesn't even remember saying these things to me!!! All FM radio trance!!

This world is definitely a very funny place to live in. Made more funny by these technologies & the Maaya it creates around us!!!! Long live Spirituality...I mean...Technology!!! All the same isn't it??