Sunday, August 23, 2020

It's normal Again!

 I remember the time after my marriage. A life where I would sit in a small bedroom in a flat on the 15th floor of a bldg, watching over a fountain. In an unknown country, never seeing another soul in the building, other than the Nathur (watchman). All alone, thinking of the times before my marriage, when I never used to be alone. Always accompanied by the family. Waiting to enjoy that again! At that time, I so wanted my early life back. My old friends back. I was waiting to come back to India & take my life back from where I had left it.

Little did I know that things move on!!

The small responsibilities I had held at home, was already taken over by someone else! Whenever I return home, it was not just the 4 of us at home! My mom would not make things I love, but, the things Raja loved. I saw her do things she used to do to me, to my SIL. (yes, I was jealous!) My friends got married & got busy with their life! They had very little time for ME! Moreover, 20 days’ holidays was split between B’lore & Mumbai & never Chennai, where I spent most of my childhood days .

Life had moved on for everyone! It took me sometime to realise, that things would never be the same as we left it  (as written in my earlier blog!). It was hard to accept this realization, but then once I did, life became so wonderful. Our home became a joyous place with all of us during holidays! My friends’ new family became my new family! We started making new memories & life moved on!

But then why am I talking about this now? Because, we have left a fun filled life, 5 months before, thinking we will be going back to the same old life WHENEVER this epidemic gets over! Is that really a possibility? I don’t think so! I don’t think there would be an overnight turn of events, that would enable us to go back to our life 5 months before! And this life we are living, is not a temporary one!

We need to accept this - this is a new way of life! It might be scary to accept, may be difficult to accept. But once we accept this, we can very well see, how enjoyable this life is. Vaccine may come with time, but we have learnt a few new things & we have evolved during this last 5 months. Each of us have got more time to reflect on ourselves & definitely not the same person we were 5 months before. But as I said before, we will have new golden moments in the future! It may not be the way it was! But, it will definitely be in the way that is more enjoyable!

Accept the change & Lead the new way!

1 comment:

  1. Ranjini
    Good one but not so great as previous blogs

    Keep writing this will make us read
